Attorney in the Del.

Reporting on life in Wilmington, Delaware, a small city in a small state. (Note: Unless otherwise stated, all photos on this blog are Copyright 2006, Michael Collins, and cannot be used without permission.)

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Binge Drinking

If true, this is probably the worst case (pardon the pun) of binge drinking on a college campus I have every heard of. But a couple things about this story just don't make sense.

If you drink 30 to 40 beers a day:

1. How are you still living and breathing?

2. As a college student, how do you afford drinking at that rate? If you conservatively estimate that each beer cost $0.75, then, on beer alone, Mr. Boone was spending between $22.50 and $30 each day. If each semester is about four months long (120 days), that's between $2500 and $3600 each semester, $5000 - $7200 per school year! What college student has that kind of money? I can understand occasionally drinking 30-40 beers in a day...but each and every day? That doesn't sound physically or financially possible.


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