My wife and I went on a forced drive around the DE and PA countryside this morning. In another mind-boggler from the city of Wilmington, flyers went up yesterday evening prohibiting parking on our street between 8am and 12pm this morning. For what reason? They didn't say. Furthermore, it wasn't just our particular street. Parking was not allowed in our entire neighborhood!
I asked a neighbor what the story was. She told me that city leaf collection was coming through today. That's understandable considering the amount of leaves on the ground. But to prohibit parking in the whole neighborhood? The neighbor told me that on this day, she typically takes a drive, goes shopping, or heads to work. That's basically what we did. For four hours, then, our whole neighborhood became a forced ghost town. Glad we have a security system.
While out on our drive (which, by the way, was surprisingly nice), we pulled up to a red light behind the car below.

Click on the picture for a bigger view, or take a look at the blown up part of the photo below.

"Fire back, Fire Bush". Cute. But notice the bulls eye. This is the height of irresponsibility. Yeah, the slogan is catchy, but to "fire" the president by "firing back" accompanied by a bulls eye looks to me like this woman is advocating the assassination of the president. That's just sickening. But not surprising, since the people most upset with the president seem to have no better ideas, just lame, crass, and disgusting slogans to sling at the man.
Let's hope nobody acts on this ghoul's suggestion.
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