WMD found in Iraq, discarded.
Reporting on life in Wilmington, Delaware, a small city in a small state. (Note: Unless otherwise stated, all photos on this blog are Copyright 2006, Michael Collins, and cannot be used without permission.)
And I'm a winner too, because my Purdue graduate wife didn't even make me sleep on the couch afterwards!
Boll grabbed the microphone. "[Bleep!] critics!" he bellowed. "I hit them so hard they have brain damage! They love my movies now!"
...unless you want it coming through your nose. The last sentence of this post is priceless. Read the whole thing first.
I noticed last year, no matter how many times Redskins D coordinator Gregg Williams blitzed, we could never seem to touch the QB. When the QB has all day to throw, bad things happen. Somehow, through what seemed like smoke and mirrors, the Skins ended 2005 with one of the best defenses in the NFL and a miracle playoff appearance. In the offseason, the pundits praised Gregg Williams to high heaven. I couldn't understand why. The Skins seemed like they were always a step from disaster. Somehow the D always held up, even though they could put no pressure on the QB. How long could this last? Long enough for Williams to get a huge contract, a promotion, and pre-season hype that the Skins could make the Super Bowl.
You never know when you'll be stranded in a life or death situation. Click here for some good survival tips.