Family (Rivalry) Vacation

We're about to embark on our first family vacation. The climax of the trip will take place on the 22nd at the RCA Dome in Indianapolis,
in: Redskins vs. Colts.
The author of this site is a lifelong Redskins fan...his lovely wife is a native Indianan, and lifelong Colts fan (to the extent Indiana had a pro football team during her childhood). The marriage is about to endure its greatest test to date.
Forget the TO/McNabb hype of last weekend, this is the real thing. It's a civil war. Family versus family. Husband versus wife. The Delaware Duel!
On what side does the Little Apprentice come down in this intrafamily family feud? Born five months ago an agnostic, the Little Apprentice is already the target of an intense lobbying campaign. The Colts side of the family has the inside track. With politician grandpa accustomed to campaigning, a unified family love of the Colts brought to bear by the lifelong Indiana natives, and plenty of brand new Colts gear to choose from, the pressure on the Indiana side is crushing.

Dad's balkanized family can bring to bear only half-hearted steering in the direction of the Redskins. Mom has an army. Dad has at best a small squad of Canadian peacenik defectors and French troops.
It also doesn't help that Mom's team has Peyton Manning at QB, while Dad's team fields Mark "Roll Right, Throw Out of Bounds" Brunell at its most important position. It's much more painful to watch the Redskins play. But Dad likes the underdog.
And at least we have Joe Gibbs.
But what chance does Dad have to mold his son into a proper, Redskins loving kid when the Little Apprentice lives in Eagles country and is showered with gifts from the relentless Colts lobby?
Wish I knew which way he was leaning...

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