From the Archives - Germany

Today's installment also comes from the city of Berlin. The photo to the left shows the altar inside the Berlinler Dom, a large church along the river on the East German side of the Brandenburg Gate.
From what I remember, during WWII the Berliner Dom suffered a fate similar to the church in my previous post. The church languished in a bombed-out state throughout the Cold War. The communists were too busy shooting innocent people trying to escape East Germany to waste time restoring the church. Besides, religion wasn't exactly encouraged in this Soviet satellite.
After the fall of the Berlin wall, reconstruction of the Dom began. As you can see, the preservationists did a heckuva job. Maybe it's just me, but I'd prefer to live under a system of government that treasures an architectual heritage and values religion, as opposed to one dedicated to soulless "equality" and forced secularism. But maybe that's just me.
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